Happy New Year Everyone...
indeed a 'GREAT' kickoff for Year 2009...
know why?
Read On...
31st Dec 2008~
On New Year's Eve,i was at the Super Crowded + Noisy Downtown East but i wasn't exactly there for a countdown (i'm simply too old for all this... *sobz), i was there for a quiet movie instead...
Watch 'Bedtime Stories',a very nice show to start my new year...
So after the movie,we went over to cityhall to fetch Kacia & her 2 friends,Jason & Minghui...
Being the very nice sister,i volunteer to send Jason & Minghui back to Toa Payoh but baby wasn't very sure of how to get there,so was hoping that the 2 guys could at least guide us back to their house,but guess wat? They made us lost our way too....
but nevertheless,they finally found their way and we got home at around 2am...
Now the Real Story starts...
a few days before new year's eve,i was already complaining of bug bites on my leg... mind u,its not jus 1 or 2.. its like more than 10 of them (i lost count of it,my leg looks horrible now..) The size of 1 bug bite is like a 5cents coin big...
So,i complained the bug bites to baby again
he then replied "i also got a few bug bites,could it be the bed?"
So he went to check my bed and found "BED BUGS"
Stupid creepy fellows! ( i didn't take any pics cos i was kinda disgusted by it)
arrrgh.... scary scary...
i didn't even dare to step in my room when i realise the presence of bed bugs...
Becos of this,everyone in the family woke up....
So on 1st January 2009,2.30am in the morning Mum threw away my entire bed frame + mattress,bolster,a pillow which has been with me since young and my office chair...
*sobz *sobz
The bed bugs ruin everything!
This means i got to spent extra $ to buy everything again!
i only manage to get to bed @ 5am!
1st Jan 2009~
i woke up at 10am(with only like 5hrs of sleep,i was like a walking zombie) cos i promise mum to bring her shopping..
Together with baby & Kacia, we went from tampines IKEA to tampines mall to Toa payoh with endless walking and countless cashcard deduction for parking + a burnt hole in my pocket to replace back all those bed bugs infested furniture....
i was simply exhausted!
2nd Jan 2009~
today i woke up feeling worse then yesterday,probably becos i wasn't used to sleeping on kacia's bed (yes,she gave up her bed to baby & me while she slept on the sofa in the living room.. so sweet right?), the pillow, the bolster, the blanket all didn't feel right.. keep tossing n turning for the past 2 nights...
@ 8.30am today,Baby & i got an Appointment @ the ROM for verification & Statutory Declaration.
i was pretty happy when i got all the documents ready for our Actual Solemnisation on 7th Jan..
The day that i'm officially Mrs Teoh is like finally coming true...
While walking towards the carpark,we saw the "TEHGU" from afar and somehow we got a bad feeling we already got 'BOOKED".
And true enough,a notice of parking offence aka "SUMMON" was lying on the windscreen...
Something which drivers never ever wanna see!
See! tis 'TEHGU' actually come over to the ROM carpark to fine ppl... very funny right!
Ppl come here for a happy cause,to get married but she still come here spoil ppl's mood...
(i'm aware then we got to put parking coupons la,but still i find it funny for her to be at this location lor)
She nearly spoiled my morning,but since i was real tired,i cant be bothered.
Facial was 1pm @ bishan...
Guess wat, baby & i actually fell asleep & snore during the facial...
So Paiseh!
Final Conculsion
1. Bed bugs Attack!
2. burnt a hole in my pocket
3. got a Summon
4. keep losing our way
hopefully all these lousy things that happened will be the last for Year 2009...
Yenli's Wedding in Malaysia Dec 27th-28th 2008
People who attended:
Baby & Me, Eric, David, Carolyn, Ah Lai, Derrick & Annabelle
So here's the pics...
baby & Me.. taken @ the hotel lobby
Opps... Some poker before the wedding dinner...
Peek-A-Boo... who's at the door?
Annabelle, Me & Carolyn
Carolyn & Me...
My Baby~
The guys! all dress up for the Wedding dinner
David & David... haha
Crazy over picture taking!
i love this pic.. :P
Snapshot of the bride 'Yenli'
The Bride & Groom...
@ the Wedding Dinner
'The Samsung Group"
Everyone busy eating... haha
Yum Seng!
PS: i really enjoy this short trip to Malaysia with everyone!
So derrick,when am i expecting the trip to Hongkong for my 'Po Luo bao'?
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