things like Double eyelid surgery ( i seriously quit being a single eyelid) , Liposuction (to remove away all the fats), Facial Lipolysis (to get rid of my stupid double chin), Dermaroller (to smooth out my skin), Some IPL (to lighten my pigmentation + freckles + acne scars)...
easier said than done,it took me like years to decide on my double eyelid surgery.
becos of the healing time la,the $$ (i'm saving up for my big day so tat explains the part for the $$ issue), the number of days of leave i'll need to apply (Currently short-handed so my manager will probably kill me.. haha ) and how i'm going to explain to my mum cos she seems sooooo against it.
but nevertheless i'll be going for the pre surgery consulation so we'll see...
So i've been busy as usual...
been missing out alot like meeting up with friends.. haiz...
i miss everyone...
@ work,everyday is hectic as usual especially when we are shorthanded now...
simply cant stand it when ur colleague take mc for mon and tue,come back to work on wed and thur then mc again for friday n sat,next following mon take leave and happily send u msg saying "see u on Tue".... *Simply loss for words~
but anyway,she quit.
So now back to the shorthanded part,very sianz... So now almost got to work late everyday....
but at least i'm enjoying it (simply love my colleagues)
Planning for the Big Day doesn't seems easy but still ok...
at least Mr EQ-Less is being very cooperative.. hehe
Recently been starting on my facial like twice a month,trying hard to keep it clean and also to lighten up my old acne scars.... switch my skincare products too...
update some of my makeup items and i'm feeling great...
hopefully my face does improve after all the facial that i'm doing...
My hair is always giving me problems....
Dry like grass... Simply lifeless and in a mess...
donno how to fix it,if i were to go for salon treatments it will probably burn a hole in my pocket.. haiz..
So for the past 6 months, i stop colouring my hair,stop rebonding it, stop perming it in order to let it recover but now its so so so messy now that i donno how to handle...
Seriously need my hairstylist advice...
Anson! u hear me??
Today when i thought i finally have some spare time after my visit to the bridal shop,it just have to rain non-stop.... and there goes my entire afternoon.
but... its ok...
Cos ice-cream cheers me up!
i'm enjoying my Magnum now... Yummy~
btw,she looks great! doesn't she?
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