him : hi elise,going home?
me : Ya,going home. today very tired.... got so much to do...
him : elise. You very fat now
me : huh? what?
him : when u come in here work,u slim. now FAT.
me : oh... really... (loss for words...)
him : Bye... i go 1st...
me : Bye...
i simply lost my appetite for dinner....
i seriously need to slim down....
Reason? Becos i'm simply FAT & i'm going for a trip to Tioman (with Mr EQ-less,he's going for diving) and Phuket (a fully paid company trip! Yahoo) in march.
how to wear bikini?? i'm just like a lump of fats walking around....
haiz.... time for me to do something SERIOUSLY!
now for the happy part....
i got my IPod touch!
its a perfect device for my videos & music....
loving it!
i'm just simply a gadget freak!
My IPod touch with my pink case
See... its really a good gadget for videos + the quality is real good...
its a T-shirt
look closely... it has a picture of baby & me...
its by hp... its has baby's name + address... & our pic...
but that not the main part.... first of all,i don't even remember taking tis pic (i don't even have a copy of this). Secondly,baby & i didn't print this on our own. Thirdly,WE DON EVEN KNOW WHERE THIS CAME FROM?
funny right??
i simply have no clue how this thing got into baby's home...
Mystery T-shirt,but i'm keeping it though...
isn't this sweet? A colleague who work part-time gave me this little note before she left...

does these pics reminds u of nature??
Well,it is.. its taken from Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve..
Mr EQ-Less took this pics when he got posted there for a 1 day work.
the scenery is nice but not for Mr EQ-Less
he went over to the mangrove to collect some soil samples for analysis and got his levis jeans entirely covered in BLACK mud.
disgusting right?
he manage to remove the smell only after washing it for like 3times...
terrible mud... haha
anyway,its a EXPERIENCE right?
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