Tue 4th Sep : after work around 7pm,went over to funan to fetch baby from work. then had dinner.... nothing much too..
Wed 5th Sep : left office around 5pm,then went home immediately. once home,gave myself a refreshing facial and a body scrub.... then had a super full dinner at home.mum prepare a tom yam steamboat, yummy yummy~~ then had to clear up my hammy cage,a total 6 of it... tiring! (but majority of the clearing was done by baby)
Thur 6th Sep : went over to far east at 6+,then arrived at Johnny 2 thumb. simply cant decide on the tattoo design, though Jaws did give me some ideas. but in the end,i left the shop still feeling clueless. haha i did consider some designs though but i don wanna rush things in case i regret... so i'm gonna think, consider & ask around 1st...
then i went over to PS to collect my 'XIAO ZHU' concert tickets! i'm watching it with sherry.
Although its on 1st Dec,but i'm looking forward to it! Simply can't wait already
My Concert tickets~
Then james,baby & me,we went shopping at carrefour for the bbq tomorrow night. although everything was kinda last minute & its only the 4 of us but i think we'll still have loads of fun ourselves!
Fri 7th Sep : reach east coast around like 8pm,then we started our bbq sessions.... we took an hour to set up the fire. haha,cos some accident happen.. but in the end everything went well. i didnt manage to take any pics though,cos i forget... simply too buzy eating & having fun!
Sat 8th Sep : went over to far east 1st with baby & kacia(my sis) , had plans to do shopping,but didnt see anything which i fancy. So went over to Village @ herren for lunch...

Kacia & i outside village(herren)
had rostti with pork cheese sasuage, roasted beef for main course.
Then its time for desert!

waffle with swiss chocolate ice-cream topped with strawberries + chocolate syrup!

Brownies with tiramisu ice-cream!

Kacia & i inside Village washroom... haha!
then after lunch, headed over to cineleisure. wanted to watch Ratatouille but didn't manage to get any tickets. too bad, quite disappointed actually,everyone said its nice. haiz~ no shopping done,no movies to watch.
but in the end manage to get something else Cute instead~
from left to right: baby(david) , mE , Kacia , Jayce
isn't this cute? bought it from a pushcart at cineleisure level 1.
its call Mini Me... Cos $10 per piece..
then kacia left us & went over the kelvin's place for dinner. So baby & i went over to PS. And i got my gloomy bear (finally!) from action city~
My Gloomy Bear!
Simply love mY gloomy bear. but just don ask me why!
then had dinner at thai express...

Baby's honey chicken rice

My Phat thai talay

kai lan with mushroom....
So we ended our sat with aching feet but full stomach... simply ate too much...hehe
last but not the least

mY baby... (the only person who made my day complete)
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