been feeling bad cos i didn't have the time to update my blog (i heard some complaints). i actually move my xanga blog to blogspot,and its been a week and i haven even started posting a single entry... haha. i'm so bloody Sorry....
My past week was hectic... i went back to work on wed after my 5day Mc... i think i recover only like 60%,but wat to do..... still gonna work..
it was only after lunch then my manager pass me a memo saying that we gonna need to come back on sat and sun 9-6pm for a annual stock take thingy..... imagine my horror,i already had plans for sat n sun and guess itsssss all Gone.... Sucks..
but it turn out that it wasn't that bad, i actually have fun during the stock take, i think thats the time i feel i'm finally part of the co... weird? donno ley.. but i finally have some 'intentions' to make my desk 'MINE' ,so i went to plaza singapura to look for some decent & pretty big big cup + some other basic stuff.... but didn't manage to get the cup i wanted,but i got a paper holder thingy,some boxes of tissues + 2pairs of shoes from charles & keith...
kacia says to accompany me for shopping next week! Yahoo! loves to shop with my sis,cos we also share the same size for tops & bottoms and she always gives me the most truthful answer to whether the clothes suits me anot.... oh ya,i seriously need a new bag(reason? not becos no bag to use ,i just NEED a new bag... understand?)
nice? frankly speaking i really bought these on impulse. i know they are kinda 'common'
25th June,which happens to be today, baby went back to reservist, this time he will be gone for 2weeks and thats actually the longest time he's been away from me.... So i'll be alone... SAd(i got to clear up the hamster tank all by myself!) haha.... Now u know y i'm upset??
i'm really really tired,i haven been getting enough sleep,waking up at 7.30am everyday doesn't sound fun and its gonna last till this sat.... And sat i'm suppose to work like only till 12.30pm? but becos of the GST increase to 7%,i'll need to ot...... but not that bad cos i'm kinda used to it, at least finally Sun can rest! :P
i just finish my face mask(for obvious reasons,its to hydrate my skin cos i'm in a air-conditioned room almost everyday and as the owner,i need to SAVE it) ,And now,i seriously need to sleep.. but before i sleep,just in case if i don sleep well.....
ICE COLD BEER (My favourite Heineken) to finish up my day~ Cheers!
Ps: i'll make sure i'll update my blog religiously!
Pic of the day! My cute hammy sleeping~ (i know the sleeping posture is kinda ugly,but they are seriously cute!)
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