On Friday 25th July, i brought Mum together with baby & Kacia (Jayce didn't come... *Sob... she got to attend her driving lessons) to the Singapore Garden Festival @ Suntec.
I present the Singapore Garden Festival 2008 in Pictures!

@ the Entrance~

We Jus loves taking pics~

*i wan his eyelashes!!!

My mummy~

The Centre Of Attraction... this is really Magnificent!

*Four seasons?

its like a Garden full of pretty flowers~

do we look alike?

kacia is a Cam Freak!

Jus me....
Last Sat 19th July,i went out partying with my colleagues over @ Dragonfly...
kinda enjoy the night and i didn't manage to drink alot. (which is good :P )
here the pics~

A group Pic...

My Clubbing Kaki's

from L-R
Fion,Andy,Me,Kevin,Lk & Geogina

Pics taken in the Toliet~ Opps...

Having fun with the XL Hennessy!

baby with My Colleagues...

baby & Andy~
Oh ya.. baby bought this for me...
isn't he sweet?

Learning to Cherish everything i have...
to be contented n not expecting more...